Aburrido, lo hicepara el juego Animax Rock ON (ARO), dudo que sea usado
Boring, i made this for the game Animax Rock On (ARO) i dont think this will be used
i can translate your movies to spanish, also viceversa, i m not going to make images for you, i only desing for the team, unless you are a girl and if you sound cute :3 ... hahaha well, maybe, anyway, see my userpage
Age 39, Male
Animax team Sublider
my school
my house
Joined on 8/13/07
Posted by Xradical - January 21st, 2008
Aburrido, lo hicepara el juego Animax Rock ON (ARO), dudo que sea usado
Boring, i made this for the game Animax Rock On (ARO) i dont think this will be used
Por que nadie te entiende?????que demoniso les pasa..bueno regresando al tema...la verdad no se para que usarlo si me podrias dar una idea te lo agradeceria.
pues tienes rason, mejor no lo uses, no me quedo del todo chilo y creo que los reloges me andan molestando, ya son tres veces contando esta
acido desoxiribonucleico mmmmmmmmmm
exacto!. .. . . .creo
por que le dijiste al gringo ese que aprendiera ingles? ajaj
pues si no me entiende .. . . pues que aprenda
wooooaaaaah!!!thats amazing!
if you havent noticed yet i dont understand what the hell your saying :P
Man, why people dont undestand? ok, i will tell you, this background was made for a game, i dont think smooth will use it, its just a background if you understand ok, or maybe you should go to learn english.